Data management/Data files

Descriptions of the variables stored in the HOUSEHOLD and PRODCAT tables in Breedsurv are contained within the Access table structure files and these have been copied into CS11HOUSEDoc and CS11PRODDoc, respectively. The names of the variables in these Excel files are the same as those found in the Breedsurv data system and are abbreviations for the original questions or types of responses (in the case of multiple response questions).

In order to facilitate use of the data just those variables explicitly used in this case study have been extracted and put into CS11Data1, CS11Data2a and CS11Data2b, respectively. Large- and small-scale commercial farms have also been omitted by using the Excel Filter command on the variable farm_type.

The data used in the PRODCAT file have been split in two, thus, CS11Data2a contains the data for Questions 3 to 4 on page 2c of the questionnaire and CS11Data2b contains the data for Question 5 (CS11Quest2). This is to make the files easier to handle. All three data files have already been opened in GenStat so that the variables to be used as factors in the analysis could be predefined, and, where appropriate (age and gender) labels attached to their integer codes (Spread → Factor → Edit Labels...).